Fiction addicts get in here!!! It's a new month and we are done with the first half of the year. We may not have met our targets and goals for the first half of the year but surely we made some progress and we should be thankful for that. Anyone notice how it's always raining these days? Well I love it when it rains. It's a good time to snuggle up in bed with a good book and several cups of coffee. Unfortunately I'm writing this post at my desk in the office, therefore perish every thought of snuggling up in bed. The books of the month of July are After You by Jojo Moyes and Hedge Fund Wives by Tatiana Boncompagni. After You by Jojo Moyes is the sequel to Me before You which we read in February and it takes off soon after Me before You ended. Lou's taken a job in an Irish themed bar at the airport. She's also bought a flat with some of the money Will left her. After having drank so much wine , one night she climbs to the roof top of...